40 years after the end of the Vietnam War, comes a documentary film revealing a new version of history. A unique perspective on the war, revealed by personal accounts, amateur films/photos, letters and other personal archives.
This documentary promises to take the public in the heart of the events and the aftermath – from the inside through a multitude of personal memories and experiences.
Tell your stories and share your personal archives. Contribute to this collective documentary project.
Productions de la Ruelle is an Award-winning documentary team dedicated to making pertinent historical and contemporary films. See more here: http://productionsdelaruelle.com/PDLRweb/en/the-team/
Film Rescue International ® Ltd., in partnership with Productions de la Ruelle, is offering a discount on processing and/or digitizing still and motion films containing Vietnam War images. Great images… great stories… great discounts.
The documentary filmmakers on My Vietnam War are presently looking to meet participants for the film. If you, a friend or family member have some personal archives and/or a story to share, please contact us. This documentary proposes a unique point of view by featuring personal accounts, souvenirs and experiences to shed a new light on this War.
Please contact us; now is the time to share your story and archives: prod@productionsdelaruelle.com or 514-899-0449 extension 21